
28 March, 2012


Sherlock is... love.

This one, by the way, not that hyped up crap(oh, Jude Law, I'm so sorry) that is the Sherlock Holmes movies.

09 March, 2012

Senti and Interview With A Fire Demon

So I was looking over my old posts, and I had a lump in my throat when I realised that all the effort I'd gone to, all the seriously good writing that I had put into my blog posts had gone completely and utterly to waste. Because, honestly, no one cares.

Mysterious Forest

This was the sucky poem I wrote/thought I wrote back in tenth. I think I wrote it, because it genuinely came to me when I was staring at a blank page. But it's kind of good, or so I think, so I can't possibly have written it.

Three minute Post

So, and forgive me my typos since I literally have three minutes before the network shuts down courtesy a little thing called LAN ban, I thought I'd see how much I could write in three minutes, and of what caliber the post would turn out to be. Turns out I can barely turn out a coherent post, and even then, the LAN shuts off before I can post it.

Peace, people. :)