
08 October, 2012

A Confession

Note: This is a writing exercise and I would much prefer that everyone reading this not take this seriously. At all.

Dear you,

There's so much I want to say that I started a document around half a year ago and have been writing ever since. I entitled it 'Explain', and still read it when I'm bored. It makes me laugh.

As for what I want to say to you; it's quite simple, really. I'm probably as bad as the next person at senti--worse, I like to think, because things like these are hard enough to say, let alone write, but I just really need to say the one thing:

I like you. You are neither 'stud' nor 'perfect' in my mind, but 'sweet' and 'cute' and 'awesome', and I really, honestly like you. (In the 'like' kind of way, so, no, not as a friend. Just in case you didn't realize.)

This is probably the closest I'm ever going to get to telling you that, so I better make it short and sweet and wrap it up pretty soon. If I'm ever going to get you off of my mind so I can study in peace, I had better start doing it now.


PS: Even if it is just an exercise, there's no harm in telling me what you think.