
06 September, 2013

Dear Writer's Block

Dear Writer’s Block, 

It’s not you, it’s me. 

I’ve had a good run with you, and we’ve grown reasonably fond of each other, even if we do have little quarrels whenever I cheat on you with my novel. Well, I know you’ve been with me longer, but there’s no denying that you’re stifling my creativity. It’s a vicious cycle, honestly. The more you’re around, the less I feel like writing, and then you come back, stronger than ever.

So I’m breaking up with you, because I can’t keep having you in the back of my mind, a little nagging voice saying, “You can’t do that!” and “I’d like to see you try”. I want a better, healthier relationship in which I can really grow as a writer and, of course, as a person. I want to be able to work on my novel in peace, and to stop having to make up flimsy excuses like “Life got in the way” or whatever. I want my creativity to find real expression, and not just as mindless little fairy tales I make up for Sravya as she falls asleep every night.

You wouldn’t understand the joy I feel when I put words on paper, as I read them back, again and again, finding mistakes and correcting them, improving, always improving. Those mornings when I sit by the window, a cup of tea in one hand, and a fresh idea in my head and the world just seems to work.

And that is why I can’t be with you anymore. I hope you understand. I don’t wish that you’ll find another fruitful relationship, but only because I want writers everywhere to be able to do their thing without you getting in the way. Yet, somehow, I think you’ll be alright. 

As long as there are people who don’t believe in themselves.


Writing exercise. Isn't pre-midsem week just the best time for these? :P :D