
26 June, 2013

Joy is...


It's heaven, I tell you. :D :D

There are ways and means in which you can extract maximum happiness from a little egg-shaped, chocolate- and surprise-filled ...thing.

Here are the steps:

1. Enjoy splitting egg-container. :D

2. Enjoy taking out spoon thing.

3. Enjoy eating the little ferrero rochers and the chocolate. Eat quickly, this gives you a nice little sugar rush. :D

4. Read the instructions.

5.* Enjoy assembling teeny-tiny toy.

6.* Enjoy watching teeny-tiny toy working.

*Note: for maximum enjoyment, ensure no wet blanket types are around while executing these steps, to say, 'Exactly how old are you, again?' and other demotivating things.



1 comment:

  1. enjoyment maximizes when you could ignore 'their' presence if they happen to be around. i wouldn't let them stop me :P <-that's a tongue in cheek btw
