Yeah, I know. What the hell is up with that title?
Actually, it's the abbrev. of A Song Of Ice and Fire, by George R.R. Martin.
And the rest is crap that I put in while I was dreaming of Westeros, and what I'd do if I ever got there, and how best to save Robb Stark's life, and why Catelyn shouldn't have turned into a monster, and Jaime Lannister turned back into a human being. Okay, okay, so far you have no idea what I'm on about. Unfortunately, it's not going to be clear to you at the end of this blog post. And that's why George R. R. Martin is the master storyteller, though the bowdlerizer in me winces at every swear word in his books-and that is a lot of swear words, trust me.
I initially-and finally-didn't like Danaerys Targaryen, even though she seems to be the only pretender to the throne who has the slightest chance of retaining the crown where so many others have tried and failed. And Jaime the Kingslayer irritated me as well, which just goes to show how invested I'd become in Bran Stark in maybe two chapters worth of his POV. Speaking of POV--no! Must. Not. Get. Off. Topic. So, as I was saying, I don't love all the characters he uses as POVs; he uses a lot of them, some 30-odd in all. And this is strange, 'cause normally, I tend to sympathise with any and all POV characters. Most readers do, because most authors do, which is why they slip into that particular character's skin. But Mr. Martin is rare, in that his characters are flawed, sometimes lightly, sometimes deeply. You can love some and hate some, depending on how you feel. Which makes me wonder how he feels about his characters. That's got to be confusing. And, as in real life, character's lives are determined by the nature and quality of the mistakes they make. In Westeros, mistakes have consequences. They range from someone's head being cut off to--well, someone's head being cut off. Pretty heavy consequences, these.
Which is why I cried several times while reading this series. I shouldn't tell you when, because of the off chance that you may want to read these a-m-a-z-i-n-g books, and then they'd be spoilers to what comes next. I hate it when that happens. *Guiltily remembers flipping to the back of almost all ASOIAF books to see if Jon Snow survives this one*(He does, though I'm not completely sure in Dance of Dragons--darn, spoiler!)
Actually, it's the abbrev. of A Song Of Ice and Fire, by George R.R. Martin.
And the rest is crap that I put in while I was dreaming of Westeros, and what I'd do if I ever got there, and how best to save Robb Stark's life, and why Catelyn shouldn't have turned into a monster, and Jaime Lannister turned back into a human being. Okay, okay, so far you have no idea what I'm on about. Unfortunately, it's not going to be clear to you at the end of this blog post. And that's why George R. R. Martin is the master storyteller, though the bowdlerizer in me winces at every swear word in his books-and that is a lot of swear words, trust me.
I initially-and finally-didn't like Danaerys Targaryen, even though she seems to be the only pretender to the throne who has the slightest chance of retaining the crown where so many others have tried and failed. And Jaime the Kingslayer irritated me as well, which just goes to show how invested I'd become in Bran Stark in maybe two chapters worth of his POV. Speaking of POV--no! Must. Not. Get. Off. Topic. So, as I was saying, I don't love all the characters he uses as POVs; he uses a lot of them, some 30-odd in all. And this is strange, 'cause normally, I tend to sympathise with any and all POV characters. Most readers do, because most authors do, which is why they slip into that particular character's skin. But Mr. Martin is rare, in that his characters are flawed, sometimes lightly, sometimes deeply. You can love some and hate some, depending on how you feel. Which makes me wonder how he feels about his characters. That's got to be confusing. And, as in real life, character's lives are determined by the nature and quality of the mistakes they make. In Westeros, mistakes have consequences. They range from someone's head being cut off to--well, someone's head being cut off. Pretty heavy consequences, these.
Which is why I cried several times while reading this series. I shouldn't tell you when, because of the off chance that you may want to read these a-m-a-z-i-n-g books, and then they'd be spoilers to what comes next. I hate it when that happens. *Guiltily remembers flipping to the back of almost all ASOIAF books to see if Jon Snow survives this one*(He does, though I'm not completely sure in Dance of Dragons--darn, spoiler!)
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The Jon Snow Poster of Game Of Thrones <3 |
Then I heard there was a TV show. I watched an episode with equal parts excitement and trepidation. If there's anything worse than a not-properly-adapted-book-movie, it's a not-properly-adapted-book-TV-show. But I liked it! Jon Snow might have helped. I mean, look at him! And Lord Eddard Stark... darn you, Joffrey!
So, read the book if you like fantasy. Or wait another ten years or so, until it becomes fully as classically epic as LOTR, and regret not being the one saying, "You haven't read it yet?!"
Bdk(What would I call myself in Westeros? Hmm...)
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