You know, you know I love you so
Okay. You didn't come here to re-read nonsense lyrics that play in my head all the time. You came to read something and be entertained. Let me help you with that. ;)
Five places that don't exist but should:
1. Willy Wonka's chocolate factory: Complete with glass elevator, chocolate river(and waterfall), boiled-sweet boat and assorted sugar plants and trees and things. Just imagine the awesomeness.
2. Jurassic Park(duh): The safe version with electrified fences and everything, please. I want to go and gawk like a silly tourist. It'd be so cool.
3. The magical city of Camorr, from 'The Lies of Locke Lamora': Canals, like Venice, but so much better, because it has pretty glass bridges, which shine with an eerie and beautiful light at dusk. Locke himself still living there would be an added bonus. :D(sigh. must I have crushes on fictional characters?)
4. Discworld: Enough said.
5. The Minecraft world: Because I said so. And because pixelated cake is super-delicious. And blocky pigs can be set on fire.(Does that count towards me being an evil person?)
Love, love, love always