So this is where I am so far: for those who do not want to squint at the Write or Die meter, it's 8960 words so far. I confidently expect to write about 1.5K words more today (right after I drink my tea and check my mail/update my facebook/twitter and go on the forums to play a word game and read 'The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest' and maybe taking a little nap) :)
Not too shabby, but imnottelling, the user I've chosen to decide to beat, is a full 3K words ahead of me. I figure if I write 3K per day for the rest of the month, I'll coast into a spot ahead of him/her. So that's my plan. Also, Vrushang's agreed to join me in trying to write as many words as possible and annoy as many people around us as possible by obsessing on our novels; so let's give him a warm welcome, people!
I started this story with just one character. I made the other one up racing against the Write or Die red screen. So far, I'm thinking hard decisions, slice of life. Following your dreams? Forgiveness? And these are just the values I need to get across. Now for the actual story. Scroll down, please.
A computer geek who wants to get into a good university takes up a sort-of-job with the girl she used to idolise in high school. There, she teaches her a thing or two about life and the living. Also, this scary guy keeps showing up. End summary.
I got nothing else. Someone kill me now.